A three layered approach that separates the data, the Model, and the view.
The data is the database the model contains any business logic and the view
displays it all. The three parts are designed so that any on part can be
totally replaced without the other two knowing that the one was changed. It
came about in a language called smalltalk and is being revived by the Java
Swing componenets.


Marc Aylesworth

C3I Associates 


Joint Battlespace Infosphere Team

525 Brooks Rd

Rome, NY 13441-4505




-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cameron
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:47 PM
To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] Configurability of fields in FileMan

While looking forward to Richard's response, let me chime in here with some
primitive examples of efforts along the lines of "business rules & engine"
in VistA and observations on where things might end up (those who know me
well know that I'm a perpetual optimist!)

One example is the ORDER DIALOG file 101.41.  It was designed with the
intent of being able to script very complex dialogs for placing orders.  The
rules of prompt/user response/prompt carries the templates of VA FileMan to
a higher level of abstraction and functionality.  The new capabilities in
CLINICAL REMINDERS v 2.0 are likewise based on rules that can be built and
exchanged between users without having to write M routines.  These are
special cases that have been justified due to user demands.  What is missing
is the next level ... a generalized rules engine that could support ANY
service or application.

The down-side to date is the holding back of the creation of a good (not
perfect, good!) rules engine.  In large part due to the belief that rules
engines are "too difficult to build" or "don't work well in the general
case".  A few fortunate circumstances are coming together now though.  One
is that the VA's Enterprise Architecture appears (to me at least) to be
poised to aggressively explore true rules engines and actually get down to
doing some real implementations.  Another circumstance is a prototype effort
to mine a couple of VistA applications for their rules and build a database
of them (using some new OMG draft specifications for such representations
and models) such that the rules can be modified at the business
representation layer and forward engineered into running applications.  I
believe these are sufficiently low cost efforts for now that they can afford
to "make mistakes" and risk reaching for something potentially very

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Self
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:29 PM
To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Configurability of fields in FileMan

Richard Davis wrote:
>Today, the core database within VistA does not contain a generalized
>"business-rule" engine as a centralized, high level, tabled driven module
>that controls all data storage and retrieval.  Classical DHCP applications
>and the VistA modules of today are obliged to embed their business rules in
>M(UMPS) routines where they are extremely difficult to manage.
>No amount of "open" design in DHCP/VistA can overcome this shortcoming of
>the missing business rule engine.

Please give more description and some examples of what you think is missing
and how it
might be added.

Jim Self
Systems Architect, Lead Developer
VMTH Computer Services, UC Davis

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