
   KILL works the same way in Cache as it does in MUMPS.  There are some
settings that Cache has which may mean that you must be in the SYS
environment or that whole globals cannot be deleted.  If this is the case,
you can easily remove teh contents of the global by this code;

   >S N=""
   >F     S N=$O(^%ZOSF(N))  Q:N=""   K ^%ZOSF(N)

   These two lines should clear everything out of the ^%ZOSF global except
for the root node, ^%ZOSF, if it was created.

   >K ^%ZOSF

   would kill off the whole global.

   Hope this helps.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Butch Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:21 PM
Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] Re: Trying new install of Cache and Vista

> Cameron,
>   You say to kill off the global, can you be a little more detailed on how
> this is done on CACHE.  Us newbies have limited knowledge and most of this
> translates into Greek.....
> --- Cameron Schlehuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Kill off the %ZOSF global first before running ZTMGRSET for the first
> > time.
> > Also be sure you map the % routines for VistA to be where you want them
> > to be (probably NOT in %SYS or %CACHELIB).  Since ZTMGRSET finds
> > ^%ZOSF("UCI") to be defined, it's using that ... and not finding %ZOSV
> ... which ZTMGRSET establishes along with the %ZOSF global.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Butch
> > Jones
> > Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 5:58 AM
> > To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
> > Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] Re: Trying new install of Cache and
> > Vista
> >
> > Roy,
> >
> >   I was doing some checking on the routines listed in my system.  I can
> > readily find all the routines that do not begin with a "%" sign (my
> > system
> > list some 22,000 different routines.  Where would the %routines be
> > listed
> > because they are not in the same namespace as the other routines?  If I
> > should look for the % routines, can you be a little explicit on where
> > and
> > how to look??  Helps us newbies...:)
> >
> > The other thing I noticed when I was reading the instructions -  I was
> > looking at picture that goes with item #34.  In that screen shot, I can
> > see at the bottom something that says :
> >
> > Routine:  ZOSVONT      Loaded, saved as %ZOSV.
> >
> > When I click on Explorer and then load all the routines in the NAMESPACE
> > -
> > VISTA, I can click on routine ZOSVONT.  When I do, I see that the first
> > line of the routine says the following:
> >
> > %ZOSV ;SFISC/AC - $View commands for Open M for NT.  ;09/22/2004  11:56
> >
> > I am a little confused?  I have yet to do any renaming or commenting out
> > like nancy has suggested, I just want to see if the Cache or VISTA
> > builds
> > are bad before preceeding too far.
> >
> > Any advice..
> > =======================================================================
> >
> > Roy Gaber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Did you map the % routines?  The error you are receiving is indicating
> > that the routine %ZOSV is missing.
> >
> > ========================================================================
> > Sunday, April 24, 2005 8:34 PM  Nancy wrote:
> >
> > All the new instructions were to be is what is there on Hardhats now
> > plus
> > the changes I suggested you do in the email to the ZU routine.  I didn't
> > want to add it unless you confirmed it worked OK.
> >
> > It seems that Mark Street found out the ?ZISF routine was missing as I
> > recall, for his GTM install, so it may be missing for yours as well, but
> > it may not be needed or something.  I do not have Cache installed as I
> > just got a new Windows machine, so I am going to post this out for
> > someone
> > who has done this to comment as I am still back working on a much older
> > version with the CPRS/WIne issue.
> >
> > So, please fellow Hardhats, can you please give him some help here?
> >
> >
> =========================================================================
> > On Sunday 24 April 2005 07:22 pm, Butch Jones wrote:
> >
> > > Nancy,
> > >    Do you have a copy of the newer instructions that you will post on
> > > Hardhats?  If so, care to send them to me and lets see if I can follow
> > them to get an install up and running?
> > >
> > > I have begun my install and have gotten down to #34 of the old install
> > > notes and have run into the same problem.  I don't want to change any
> > of
> > > the routines today..  Was hoping to see the new instructions that you
> > say you have.
> > >
> > > here is what I got when I attempted to perform step #34..
> > >
> > > ======================================================
> > >
> > >
> > > ZTMGRSET Version 8.0 **34,36,69,94,121,127,136,191,275**
> > > HELLO! I exist to assist you in correctly initializing the current
> > account.
> > > D UCI^%ZOSV
> > > ^
> > > VISTA 3x2>
> > >
> > > =======================================================
> > >
> > > I am running Cache version
> > >                     Vista   (CACHE.DAT  dated 2/27/2005)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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