The bottom line first: if you are using the new CPRS GUI client, use GT.M V5.0-FT02 (or V5.0-000 if that is released before you go to download the software).

And now the details...

As I understand the behavior of the CPRS GUI client, old versions of the CPRS GUI used a "connect & callback" mechanism, where the client would make a connection to a TCP socket on the server, and the server would call the client back. Since this technique is not very friendly with firewalls and NAT, there is a new version of the CPRS GUI client that simply attempts to connect to a TCP socket, and expects to find a listener there.

This direct connect approach is of course the classic way to deploy Internet / TCP services on UNIX/Linux. When a TCP service is deployed under GT.M, $Principal is a TCP socket. GT.M expected $P to be an interactive device, and would remove characters like linefeed when feeding the input stream to the M process. Since the CPRS communication protocol is a binary stream in which such characters would naturally occur, a GT.M based server didn't work very well with the new CPRS client.

Since GT.M integrates with the underlying computing environment, the traditional GT.M user base way of dealing with this would simply have been to write a small (a page or less) C wrapper. However, since the VistA community is more at home in M, we enhanced GT.M - if $P is a TCP socket, GT.M will no longer edit the $P byte stream. This does not affect traditional use of GT.M, but does facilitiate creating a TCP service entirely in GT.M that can be deployed via inetd/xinetd. This enhancement was released in V5.0-FT02, which is available on the GT.M project page on Source Forge (

So, if you are using the new "direct connect" CPRS GUI client, please use GT.M V5.0-FT02 (or, if V5.0-000 is released by the time you need it, then V5.0-000).

-- Bhaskar

Nancy Anthracite wrote:
There is a problem with connecting CPRS to the server on GTM that the recent release of GTM is designed to fix. Precviously, with the new listener using one port, you could connect once and then the listener died, and I am not positive that when it died that you stopped seeing it in the netstat listings, but you do not see anything connecting when you would telnet to it. The post Wally made about xinetd has to do with this, and I have wanted to post a discussion about this on the Wiki but can't considering there is the problem with the spam filter, so I am going to cram it on here with a really long email. I am not at all sure it will fix your problem that you are having now, but I wanted to get this out there for people in any case. What I am posting is really Broker team's and the GTM folk's work. I just wrote it all down when Wally Fort explained it to me. Following the documentation here, I have put the content of Wally's email so you can compare and contrast just to see what different ways there are to do this. I will work on the documentation some more to make it better, but this should get everyone started.

Setting up the GTM fix
1.  Set up you xinetd.conf file.

The xinetd.conf file is found in the /etc directory. The existing file and modified only to log successful connections in the file listed. The log file is not unlimited in size and the man pages for xinetd.conf will tell you more about the option. This is optional.

        instances               = 60
        log_type                = FILE /home/vista/xinetd.log
        log_on_success          = HOST PID
        log_on_failure          = HOST
        cps                     = 25 30

includedir /etc/xinetd.d

2. The file in /etc/xinetd.d/broker9210 sets up the connection to the broker on port 9210. The contents are as follows:
cat broker9210
# This file to be placed in /etc/xinetd.d/  and then do
#/etc/init.d/xinetd restart to allow the changes in
#gtm $Principal to work

service broker9210
        port = 9210
        socket_type = stream
        protocol = tcp
        user = root
        server = /bin/su
        server_args = -p -c /home/vista/xwb9210_start vista
        passenv = REMOTE_HOST
        type = UNLISTED
        wait = no
        disable = no
3.The server in this case is actually a script in the home directory of vista. The file is, xpb9210_start is owned by vista and its content are as follows:

#xwbgtm: This is a file to test running RPCBroker as a Linux service
cd /home/vista/
#GTM profile
#provided by the vista user .bash_profile script
export HOME=$PWD
. ./.bash_profile
env >xwbtcp.log
#Run routine

4. The file XWBTCPM has a modification of the file at the GTMLNX tag as follows:

GTMLNX  ;From Linux xinetd script
        D ESET
        ;GTM specific code
        S %=$ZTRNLNM("REMOTE_HOST") S:$L(%) IO("GTM-IP")=%
        G CONNTYPE

5.  Last, the _ZOSV.m file needs a minor modification here:

SHARELIC(%)     ;

6.After these two files are set up, at the command line while root enter
#/etc/init.d/xinetd restart

7. When using the new listener controlled by the listener starter (Look/Set the RPC Broker Site Parameters file for your listener)

To stop the new listener, change its status to STOPPED in the RPC Broker site parameters file.

To REstart the listener, do D RESTART^XWBTCP([port number]) Controlled by Listener starter has to be set to YES

8 . To look at the Debugging log:


Parameter for CPRS debug is XWBDEBUG 0-3 is the range, set it to 3, the most verbose

D VIEW^XWBDLOG will display the log, which has date and time but does not appear in any particular order. Just keep hitting enter until it clears out. It will log your CPRS connections and telnet connections.

To clean out the log:


Remove all XWB log entries? No// YES

9.  The log for the connection can be seen this way:

Log for connection


Output device: <terminal>:


List ^TMP("ZISTCP",*)
^TMP("ZISTCP",6210,1)="Open for Listen SCK$90810"
^TMP("ZISTCP",6210,2)="Have port."
^TMP("ZISTCP",6210,3)="Start Listening. LISTENING|listener|9200"
^TMP("ZISTCP",7005,1)="Open for Listen SCK$91605"
^TMP("ZISTCP",7005,2)="Have port."
^TMP("ZISTCP",7005,3)="Start Listening. LISTENING|listener|9200"
^TMP("ZISTCP",12186,1)="Open for Listen SCK$96786"
^TMP("ZISTCP",12186,2)="Have port."
^TMP("ZISTCP",12186,3)="Start Listening. LISTENING|listener|9200"
^TMP("ZISTCP",12186,4)="Got connection on h11155630180"
^TMP("ZISTCP",12186,5)="Run NT^XWBTCPM"


^TMP("ZISTCP",7005,1)="Open for Listen SCK$91605"
^TMP("ZISTCP",7005,2)="Have port."
^TMP("ZISTCP",7005,3)="Start Listening. LISTENING|listener|9200"

To get rid of that:
GTM>K ^TMP("ZISTCP")  ; kills this global so you can see the next connection c

This is Wally's email on the same subject:
Broker as GT.M linux service.
 Date: Thu May 26 01:44:20 2005
The RPC Broker from patch XWB*1.1*35, and XWB*1.1*40 create a CPRS v25 that
does not make a call back to the client. This will allow Broker/CPRS to work
thru firewalls or ssh tunnels.
This file goes into /etc/xinetd.d/<servicename> # default: on # description: This is a service for the new XWBserver Broker under # GT.M/Linux
service xwbgtm
        port = 9502
        socket_type = stream
        protocol = tcp
        user = gtmuser
        server = /bin/bash
        server_args = -l /home/vista/dev/xwbgtm_start
        passenv = REMOTE_HOST
        type = UNLISTED
        wait = no
        disable = no
This is the script that the service runs on a TCP/IP connect. #!/bin/sh
#xwbgtm: This is a file to run RPCBroker as a Linux service
#env > /home/vista/xwbgtm.log
#pwd >> /home/vista/xwbgtm.log
#make sure of our directory
cd /home/vista/dev
#Get the GTM profile
. /home/vista/dev/gtmprofile
#Run routine
This is the code that goes into vista routine XWBTCPM, this will be part of an upcoming patch XWB*1.1*43. GTMLNX ;From Linux xinetd script
        D ESET
        ;GTM specific code
        S XWBTDEV=$P X "U XWBTDEV:(nowrap:nodelimiter)"
        S %="",@("%=$ZTRNLNM(""REMOTE_HOST"")") S:$L(%) IO("GTM-IP")=%
        G CONNTYPE

On Tuesday 31 May 2005 06:16 pm, Lloyd Milligan wrote:

It appears you have verified that the listener is running and that your
(client) firewall is not blocking callback.  Have you checked the VistA
Kernel error log for any relevant entries?  From the programmer prompt, DO
^XTER and so forth.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Goudie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] I cant seem to connect to the RPC Listener

I allready turned off the microsoft firewall, i ran iptables -L and it
came back with an error saying its not installed

On 5/31/05, Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Any Microsoft firewall up?

Control Panel-->Administrative Tools-->Services  shows
the services that are running.  If you see the
firewall, try turning it off at least temporarily.


--- Mark Goudie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry, Nestat is reporting that the port is open.  I
thought i was
ssh'ed into the pc but i wasnt.   Sorry for the
confusion. but even
tho the port is open i cant connect to it.  Im on a
private network
and they two pcs can ping each other.  Im using a
windows program
called Vista RPC Broker, the test executable.  The
IP and port feilds
are filled out properly

On 5/31/05, Mark Goudie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I dont get anything listening on 9200 when i use


Just for info on my files im trying to mirror the

install guide as

close as I can since its my first install

On 5/31/05, Mark Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


No error necessary.

from your command prompt in Linux run the

netstat command like so.

netstat -an | grep 9200

you should see output like so it the listener is

running on port 9200 and

listening for connections.

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN

On Tuesday 31 May 2005 13:28, Mark Goudie wrote:

Im running this command

Start TCP Listener...
Checking if TCP Listener has started...
TCP Listener started successfully.
Start TCP Listener...
Checking if TCP Listener has started...
TCP Listener started successfully.

If i wait just a couple seconds i can issue

the command agian and it

wont error out saying its allready running

Im running Debian Sarge install with no

firewalls.  To my knowledge

its a pretty open system.

Mark Street, RHCE
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