Re MPI, Subscription Control file, etc.:


VistAWeb makes exactly the same use of the MPI as RDV.  So if you have RDV working you should have not problem with VW, and conversely.


I have no idea what the Subscription Contol file is, and I wrote VW, from which I conclude you don’t need it.  At least per se VW.  Maybe this is required for a site to be kept up–to-date on the current MPI.  In which case you would need it.  But you’d also need it for RDV.


VW does not use the patient ICN since none of the RPCs it uses does.  It uses the DFN at each patient site, so that should be no problem.


Basically, you need a working MPI, and if you can make RDV work, you must have a working MPI, and that means VW will also work.

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