I think it will pick the first one. BTW, I know configuring BIND sounds
like work you'd rathert not do, but there are a lot advantages to
running DNS on  your LAN.

--- Thurman Pedigo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The message below makes sense. By the same token, would the following
> configuration have problems resolving? 
>  vistasrv
>       localhost
>    vistasrv
> Does VistA require resolving to "vistasrv", or will it resolve to
> another
> name (such as "worksrv")? As in the following:
>  vistasrv
>       localhost
>    worksrv
> And:
> We use DNS for WWW only, not our LAN. Does that impact the above
> configuration?
> I think I am starting to get it.
> Thanks,
> thurman

Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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--Kent Beck

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