The mystery of finding that out before you try to connect to it and it tells 
you that you goofed and need something else has yet to be solved for me.  
But, you can look in the directory for OR Entry Results Reporting and see if 
there is something with the same posting date that is sizable and likely to 
contain CPRS.  In this case, you would have found, which is now 
gone, but I can send to you if you need it.  It contains and you 
can find that out on the wiki at

However, there is now a on there, which addresses a medication 
patient safety issue (see the associated text file) and has a patch for VistA 
with it.  It is version  That, I believe, is what you will need.

On Friday 22 July 2005 04:55 pm, Alberto Odor wrote:
> I have finished configuring GT.M under Linux Enterprise.
> Installed version: OpenVistA SemiVivA FOIA Gold 20050507
> Which CPRS version should I use to try it!
> Alberto Odor, MD

Nancy Anthracite

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