On 7/26/05, Greg Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you want to see what errors have been logged, go to programmer mode
> and D ^XTER
> However, if the error is a logic error and not what is sometimes
> colloquially called a "hard error", it may not even be logged. If you
> think in terms of a language like Java, then what you will find here is
> uncaught checked exceptions (with the screen filtering unchecked
> exceptions from the default view).

That was in fact, the case. 


D ^XTER...

   Enter '^' to quit listing, <RETURN> to continue...: 1

Process ID:  18240  (18240)
                                                          JUL 25, 2005 13:17:31

Username:                               Process Name:

UCI/VOL: [CS,DEMO]                      :

$ZA:                                    $ZB:   

Current $IO: 0                          Current $ZIO: ^0^0

CPU time:                               Page Faults:          

Direct I/O:                             Buffered I/O:          

$ZE= ,,,-


Last Global Ref: ^%ZOSF("TRAP")

Which symbol? >


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