If you use the direct-connect client connecting to VistA on GT.M
V5.0-000 on UNIX/Linux, then the best way to configure is indeed under
the control of inetd/xinetd.  I don't recollect if the VistA part of the
instructions have been posted to this list.

The GT.M part of the instructions are in the V5.0-000 release notes
 for the release notes, and 
 for the relevant tag within them.

-- Bhaskar

On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 11:20 -0500, Zeno Davatz wrote:
> Ok, wainting these two minutes and thinking about the following: 
> This is quite some hassle just to change a port number or check a
> port 
> number. Why not do it in the Linux way via the /etc/ directory?
> Thanks 
> Zeno

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