I am not sure if anyone is interested in this.    But perhaps sending the Vista CD
with him would be useful?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Francesco @Iarlori.com <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Date: Oct 17, 2005 4:59 PM
Subject: ICT Village Model for WSIS (United Nation)
To: Mark Dalton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I recently updated my profile: View my profile.

Dear Networker,
next November will happen in Tunisia the next World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The Summit is organized by ITU an agency belonging to the United Nations, here is the link: WSIS.

Many things will appear there but there will be also a real presentation of the ICT Village Model. The ICT Village Model will be the reference village for delivering technology in developing countries and to rural areas of our planet.

I'm the responsible of the project.

If you are interested to participate in the Village Definition with ideas or projects in the Telco, E-Learning, Telemedicine, E-Government please visit the Occam-Lab portal and register yourself. In the portal, under developing phase, you can browse a lot of document about the project.
>From the portal you can easily reach the LinkedIn group ulr: https://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/1218/204C076A1155/ , please register yourself also there.

If there is some companies, yours or someone you know, able to bring devices in Telemedicine field, to show next November just let me know, we can try to organize it.


dr. Francesco Iarlori
Strategic Marketing - Business Development - ICT Advisor
LinkedIn Profile, Personal WebPages
SkypeID: thefrankie63
Mobile: +39 393 9088872
Mobile: +39 335 5322478

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