We've used McAfee and Cache for five years without a problem. I would point
out we have a hardware firewall and don't use McAfee firewall - also use a
licensed version of Cache. Cache has been used under both NT Server, and
W2K3 Server (with McAfee) without signs of any problem.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hardhats-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nancy Anthracite
> Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2005 9:05 PM
> To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] VISTA- platforms -> name change
> I am the one who had trouble with McAfee not allowing Cache to work, and
> just
> turning it off was not enough.  McAfee had to be completely uninstalled,
> but
> I heard that the McAfee issue had been resolved.  Unfortunatly, I am not
> sure
> where I heard it, but I am sure technical support can confirm or deny
> that.
> I agree that especially considering I was using the free single user
> download
> of Cache, the technical support was both unexpected and excellent.  If I
> recall correctly, this happened the first time I installed Cache. This was
> before I met Jim Pietila and some of the others at Intersystems who I now
> pester fairly regularly!
> When we were in Boston at the WorldVistA meeting hosted by Intersystems,
> the
> support was truly unbelievable.  Folks shagged out of bed on Sunday to
> come
> get things working for us, and that was only a small part of the help we
> were
> given.
> On Sunday 25 December 2005 05:42 pm, James Gray wrote:
> I hope I am on the right wavelength and right message.  I am not aware of
>  problems between McAfee and Cache.  What I have mentioned on this list
>  before is that Zone Alarm breaks Cache.  To be more precise installing or
>  upgrading Cache with Zone Alarm running will cause things to get screwed
> up
>  in the install that  cannot be fixed with a reinstall.  I truly never
>  understood the details.  I also had problems with an upgrade of Zone
> Alarm.
>  I will add that I think that Intersystems technical support for users of
>  their free developers version of Cache is outstanding.  That is much more
>  than I can say for Zone Labs tech support.  I do not know what if any
>  problems there are with McAfee and Cache.  Please do not confuse my
>  complaint about Zone Alarm with McAfee.
> Jim Gray
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Ronald Ponto
>   To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
>   Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 3:41 PM
>   Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] VISTA- platforms -> name change
>         I wish they would log the answer so I wouldn't have to wait for
> them
>  to answer the phone; I hate talking to Tech support.
>         -------Original Message-------
>         From: Nancy Anthracite
>         Date: 12/24/05 07:26:30
>         To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
>         Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] VISTA- platforms -> name change
>         Also, call Intersystems Tech Support because I was told the
> problem
>  with McAfee had been resolved.
>         On Saturday 24 December 2005 07:16 am, Ronald Ponto wrote:
>         I tried to setup VISTA but had a communication error (I am using
>         Mcafee-which can cause a problem). I don't want to work without a
>  firewall or virus screen so i went the other route. I downloaded the GT-M
>  version and it downloaded pretty fast (I have a 100M connection). After
>  downloading it I tried to write it to CD but my Easy CD Creator wouldn't
>  work with the ISO file and I don't have any other way to read the ISO
> file.
>  So I have put it on the back-burner till after Christmas- I am working
> the
>  Christmas weekend including the government holiday which itself is a mess
>  with Monday as the legal holiday.
>         Time to get off my soapbox.
>         Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
>         Ron
>         -------Original Message-------
>         From: Thurman Pedigo
>         Date: 12/23/05 10:35:46
>         To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
>         Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] VISTA- platforms -> name change
>         Though I don't want to turn this into a Cache/GT.M shootout, I
> find a
>         resonance in Greg's comments that deserves support. This comment
>  should in no way be taken as criticism of the dedicated members of this
> list
>  who are quick to lend a helping hand, regardless of platform, to the
> newbie
>  or people like me with experience in FileMan, though week in coding and
>  plumbing the depths of VistA. I don't mention names to avoid overlooking
>  important contributors - everyone here knows them.
>         In respect to Greg's comment - I find myself winnowing the VistA
>  "specifics" from the Linux/GT.M posts of this list. I had a go at Linux
> GT.M
>  and decided that my time may best be spent getting a grip on VistA in a
>  relatively familiar environment. I chose this route, correctly or not,
> over
>  whole-cloth conversion to Linux while still struggling with VistA.
>         I have spent a lot of time looking, in vain, for a solution and
> kept
>  this observation low-key, since I think raising a criticism without
> offering
>  a solution is counterproductive. I am no closer to the solution and only
>  want to voice the reminder that just becaue you don't hear it doesn't
> mean
>  the problem isn't there.
>         I haven't the wisdom to make  a suggestion for change. What I have
>  done is frequently remind myself that's just the way it is. Noone's
> fault,
>  noone to blame, though for those limited to Win/Cache we need to be a
> little
>  more careful (efficient?) scanning our email.
>         Thanks,
>         thurman
>         > -----Original Message-----
>         > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         > [mailto:hardhats- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of
>         > Greg Woodhouse Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:59 PM
>         > To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
>         > Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] VISTA
>         >
>         > --- "K.S. Bhaskar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         > > Greg --
>         > >
>         > > Normally, you are objective and reasoned.
>         >
>         > Thanks. I'll grant that you did catch me on a bad day.
>         >
>         > > On this post, however, I
>         > > regret that I have several bones to pick with you.  See below.
>         > >
>         > > -- Bhaskar
>         > >
>         > > On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 13:14 -0600, Greg Woodhouse wrote:
>         > > > --- Ronald Ponto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         > > > The list does seem to have a preponderance of GT.M users,
> but
>         > > > VOE runs
>         > >
>         > > [KSB] How I wish this were the case!  Owing to the number of
> VA
>         > > users and the extensive use of non-GT.M implementations of
>         > > within the VA, and owing to VOE, I think GT.M users are
> probably
>         > > in a non-trivial
>         > > minority.
>         >
>         > I'll grant you that VA personnel are not usually the ones to ask
>         > questions here, but that seems neither here nor there. True, VA
>         > medical centers do use Cache', but I don't know that I'd infer
> that
>         > new users are necessarily going to be adopters of one platform
> over
>         > the other. As an aside, I started to delete that sentence
> (twice),
>         > because I really do not means this to be a Cache' vs. GT.M or a
>         > Fidelity vs. InterSystems type message. Both products (and
> perhaps
>         > others) ought to have a place on this list.
>         >
>         > > > on Cache' not GT.M. Ironically, I might be more ready to use
>         > > > GT.M
>         > >
>         > > if
>         > >
>         > > > the list didn't seem so lop-sided on the GT.M side. I don't
>         > > > have an
>         > >
>         > > [KSB] It is probably a fair statement to say that there are
> more
>         > > newbie
>         > > users of VistA on GT.M on this forum (and of course newbie
> users
>         > > need more help and are more vocal than non-newbie users;
> besides
>         > > people ask
>         > > questions where they find their questions are answered).
>         >
>         > Yes. But isn't that what I was saying? That the focus of
> discussion
>         > here seems to be on GT.M. Maybe that's okay.
>         >
>         > > > infinite amount of time, and certainly can't do everything
> I'd
>         > >
>         > > like,
>         > >
>         > > > but I think it would be very nice to see a portable
>         > > > implementation that
>         > > > could be distributed with VistA installed (even if not
>         > > > completely configured). I am not at all happy with the way
>         > > > Linux seems to be
>         > >
>         > > the
>         > >
>         > > > only OS that anyone wants to use for development. Again, I
>         > > > think I might be a bit more friendly to Linux if there were
>         > > > more of a
>         > >
>         > > balance
>         > >
>         > > > (and if the distribution weren't so "kute").
>         > >
>         > > [KSB] Since I don't have the right to distribute Windows, or
> OS
>         > > X, the
>         > > choice comes down to Linux and *BSD variants.
>         >
>         > But there is nothing to stop you from installing *.msi files
> (for
>         > Windows) or *.mpkg files (for OS X). Is it really necessary to
>         > distribute an entire OS to distribute VistA? If it is, I'd
> submit
>         > that we have some serious work to do, because that just
> shouldn't
>         > be.
>         >
>         >
>         > I really don't have a
>         >
>         > > strong personal preference between them.  However since (a) I
>         > > already had a GT.M on Linux, and (b) Linux live CDs came
> before
>         > > *BSD live CDs, I
>         > > chose to release VistA on Linux.  I felt that it was better to
> do
>         > > what
>         > > little I could even if I couldn't do everything.
>         >
>         > I certainly don't fault you for focusing on Linux. That's not
> what
>         > bothers me, it's the absence of anything else.
>         >
>         > > >...
>         > >
>         > > [KSB] A minor point, but your post suggests that Linux is not
> a
>         > > commercial operating system.  Open source free software like
>         > > Linux and
>         > > GT.M on Linux are very much commercial software.  Only, the
>         > > licensing terms are different, and the GPL gives the licensee
>         > > more Freedom than traditional software licenses (see
>         > > http://www.fsf.org/licensing/essays/free-sw.html for more an
>         > > essay on the topic).
>         >
>         > I suppose I could have said "proprietary" rather than
> "commercial".
>         > Is that any better? I guess I tend to avoid terms like
> proprietary
>         > and closed source because they have derogatory overtones that
> I'd
>         > rather avoid.
>         >
>         > > For the record, I feel strongly enough about the importance of
>         > > VistA that I have offered more than once at the VistA
> Community
>         > > Meetings and
>         > > the VistA Community Calls to teach anyone interested,
> including
>         > > InterSystems, how to create a live CD of VistA on Cache.  The
>         > > offer still stands.
>         >
>         > Good for you. Hey, a live CD bailed me out last weekend when I
>         > trashed the boot block on a Windows system, and it was necessary
> to
>         > boot Knoppix to restore it.
>         >
>         > > As President Kennedy said, "ask not what your country can do
> for
>         > > you; ask what you can do for your country."  An old Chinese
>         > > proverb says that
>         > > it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
>         >
>         > I think I heard that once. :-)
>         >
>         > I would like to think that I do some good, but I don't have an
>         > infinite amount of time or energy. I can't do everything I'd
> like
>         > to, and there seems little point in embarking on a project such
> as
>         > this without at least a little "buy in".
>         >
>         > Why get
>         >
>         > > on a
>         > > soapbox about what other people are doing when they have done
> you
>         > > no harm?
>         >
>         > That's a fair point. There have been more than a couple of times
>         > that I've considered unsubscribing from Hardhats because I feel
>         > like it no longer fits my interests or goals, but I guess I feel
>         > strongly about VistA, too.
>         >
>         > > If you feel strongly about VistA on FreeBSD, why not turn your
>         > > energies to do something positive?
>         >
>         > How do you know that I am not? I thought of posting some of my
> work
>         > on fMUMPS, but so far as I know, only one other member of this
> list
>         > has expressed any interest in it. I've been putting a fair
> amount
>         > of work into interpreting imperative languages using something
> like
>         > Peyton-Jones' G-machine. I've been exploring the use of virtual
>         > machines in MUMPS for portability. Things I'd like to do, but
> for
>         > which I've had no time include tightening up Fileman and Kernel,
>         > perhaps incorporating them into a language library. I would love
> to
>         > see an embedded VistA, a device people could simply turn on. And
>         > you probably have no idea how much time I spend off list just
>         > answering questions. I hardly think it fair to say I am not
> doing
>         > anything!
>         >
>         > > I will gladly render what
>         > > assistance
>         > > I can for you to get VistA running on a FreeBSD live CD.
>         >
>         > I may take you up on that, but I think I have a ways to go
> before I
>         > reach that point.
>         >
>         > ===
>         > Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         > "Interaction is the mind-body problem of computing."
>         > --Philip L. Wadler
>         >
>         >
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>         --
>         Nancy Anthracite
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> --
> Nancy Anthracite
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