I think it would be quite reasonable to start with Hui OpenVistA 4 and add the 
functionality of VistA-Office that you want at a later date.  It is very 
likely that an effort will be made to merge the two and if not, I strongly 
suspect a patch will can be made to add the DOQIT functionality of VOE to 
other versions of VistA.

OV4 should have th prescription finishing capabilities that you desire and VOE 
should have the same or similar functionality by the time it is released.  
VOE and OV4, or any version of VistA, should accept the patch for CPT codes 
that is available specifically for VOE from the AMA.  A 1500 can be prepared 
and the data is available for a more complex billing system.  Hopefully, 
there will be an open source free electronic billing option for you by the 
time you want to start practice, but if there isn't, there are vendors that 
can and hopefully will provide it for you.  I can put you in touch with some 
who have expressed and interest.

The interfacing with labs is an issue that is being addressed with 
VistA-Office.  I hope that there will be an interface with LabCorp and/or 
Quest available for VistA, but the goal for VOE is to provide something to 
make making interfaces easier to make for whatever you want to interface 
with, be it lab, practice management systems or billing services for those 
who do not wish to use what is available within VistA.   If others who need 
the same interfaces you do band together with the labs who would like your 
business, I think those interfaces can be made expidicioulsly and with far 
less expense than is typical for non open source products.  In the meantime, 
lab reports could be scanned into the record as a means of maintaining the 
results electronically.

On Sunday 23 April 2006 15:46, Andrew Schamess wrote:
I'm an MD soon to start a solo practice.  I'd like to use an electronic
medical record, and I'm researching options.  I'm very interested in VISTA.
I've looked at the demo and as much of the documentation as I can
understand.  I also saw earlier versions in action at the VA back when I was
a resident and I think it's a great system.

What I'm wondering is:  would this be an appropriate system for a small
outpatient office?  The record-keeping, problem lists and DOQ-IT functions
are great; but does it handle things like coding and insurance billing;
sending prescriptions to outpatient pharmacies; incorporating data from
outside labs and consultants, etc.?

I've heard there's a VISTA-office but it's only available through
beta-testing, and they're not accepting any more applications.  They're
saying they won't release the office package to the public for 6-12 months
and I'm opening my practice in July.  Would it make sense to start with
Hui-VISTA and migrate to VISTA-office when it comes out?

I'd be very grateful for any advice you can offer.  And, if this is not an
appropriate question for this list, please accept my apology.

Thanks so much!

Andrew Schamess

Nancy Anthracite

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