On Thu, 2006-05-11 at 08:05 -0500, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> I have two linux questions.  I guess I am still a linux newbie by 
> relative standards.
> 1. Executing a binary file that has execute permissions: why can't I 
> just type the name of the file?  For example:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] gtm]$ mumps 
> bash: mumps: command not found 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] gtm]$ ./mumps 
> %GTM-E-GTMDISTUNDEF, Environment variable $gtm_dist is not defined

[KSB] When you just type "mumps" the shell searches through directories
specified by $PATH (try "echo $PATH"), but if the mumps executable is
not in one of the directories, it tells you that it couldn't find it.
In the second case, you are giving it an explicit file name to execute,
and it does not need to search through $PATH.  Your current directory is
evidently not in $PATH, either by its actual name or as "." - it needs
to be explicitly there for the executable to be found, and yes, this is
an important feature.

> Notice on the second time that the mumps command launches.  The 
> $gtm_dist variable isn't defined, so I'm not worried about that.  But 
> why didn't it work the first time?
> 2. "Installing" 
> I recently tried to install flash player for Firefox on my newly 
> installed CentOS (with enhanced security disabled).  The automatic 
> install failed, so I was directed to a .tar.gz file.  It is filled 
> with files.  How can I know where these are supposed to go, and how 
> would the .<configuration> directories and files get set up properly.
> Also, my new CentOS is using firefox 1.0.x, and my favorite extension 
> wants version 1.5.  So I go to www.getfirefox.com and again get a
> link 
> to some .tar file.  I find /usr/lib/firefox-1.0 and create a 
> /usr.lib/firefox-1.5 and ensure the permissions are OK.  I then run 
> the firefox script and it launches the old version -- probably due to 
> some config file.
> Why doesn't linux provide and installer system like the windows 
> system?  Or do they, and people aren't using it?

[KSB] There are indeed GUI package selectors and installers.  I don't
know much about CentOS, but on Debian, for example, there are several
graphical package managers, and for installers, I have a choice of
readline / dialog / KDE / GNOME when an installer wishes to interact
with me.  But it's my choice - I don't have a choice forced on me.

Most Linux distributions contain combinations of packages that the
distributor has tested not just individually but also to ensure mutual
compatibility.  In this case, you are trying to mix in your own version
of a package, which is not wrong, but you need to know what you are

It occurs to me that you may be trying to mix a production VistA
environment (where you shouldn't be installing a mozilla flash player)
with a personal environment (where you can mix and match what you want).
My advice is that if you are trying to set up a production environment,
then stick with the CentOS packages and levels unless you not just know
what you are doing but you *really* know what you are doing.  [I for one
feel that I know what I am doing, but don't *really* know what I am
doing when it comes to Linux.]

Production distributions like CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4,
Debian Stable, etc. generally do not have leading edge versions of
packages, but they are patched in a timely fashion for security fixes
and important bug fixes.

Distributions like Fedora Core, and Debian Testing / Unstable give you
current versions of packages, but may be less stable and are less suited
for production use.

Ubuntu/Kubuntu gives a reasonable combination of both, but won't be as
leading edge as Debian Unstable or as rock solid as Debian Stable.

-- Bhaskar

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