On Jun 5, 2006, at 3:03 PM, Darren Coolidge wrote:

> Hello,
> Were looking into using the Medtronic LIFEPAK 12 system.  What's  
> interesting about this device is that it has a serial interface to  
> retrieve data from the system.  The PC it hooks up to must have a  
> LIFENET data management product (such as CODE-SAT) in order to view  
> incident data.  I was wondering if Open-Vista has this capability...

Certainly, you can work with serial devices at a low level, just as  
if they were another special file, but perhaps you have in mind  
something like an HL7 interface. The VistA HL7 package was designed  
to work with serial devices even before TCP/IP. But you have another  
option, too: There are open source middleware products (some people  
on this list have been looking at Mirth), and you can always  
implement a serial interface from that, using TCP/IP at the VistA  
end. This would be an especially attractive option if the serial  
protocol had already been implemented, or if it was particularly  
difficult (or tedious) to handle in MUMPS. On the other hand, there's  
a lot to be said for the simplicity of not having to rely on  
middleware, too.

Gregory Woodhouse

Metaphors be with you.

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