I use this viewer for those patients that bring in CD's and DVD's for 
providers to view, pop it into my laptop and viola.  Works on Linux and 
Windows.  I use Linux exclusively.


On Wednesday June 21 2006 7:55 am, Mike Schrom wrote:
> On a related topic, most of the radiology groups in town are going
> "filmless", so patients are coming into my office with CD's instead of
> hard copies of CT scans. Aside from the fact that some of the embedded
> proprietary viewers don't work at all, even under Windows, none work
> under Linux. Most of the CDs seem to have DICOM images, though. Does
> anyone have any experience with any of the DICOM viewers under Linux, or
> interfacing them with VistA or CPRS?
Mark Street, D.C., RHCE
CTO Alliance Medical Center
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you 
win" - Gandhi
"If you want truly to understand something, try to change it" - Kurt Lewin
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