"Gary VanderMolen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Other countries seem to be much more pro-consumer 
> compared to the caveat emptor attitude in the US.

USA; the home of corporate greed for the last 150 years or so...

I was surprised to learn idea of corporations started in the
ancient Moslem East. See chapter 8.

 "The actual vehicle for large-scale European commerce developed out of
another gift of Islam, the qirad contract.
 The first mention of the qirad in Islam occurs in the Muwatta' of Malik
ibn Anas, the oldest extant Islamic legal text, which was written
sometime after 750 AD."

The History of the Corporation
Volume One
by Bruce Brown

Al  (who finally got the tag lines working)

I pledge allegiance to the Corporate States of America;
and to the Republicans for which it stands.
A divided nation, under dept; with Justice and Liberty for Oil.

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