Would make it easier for the girl to sue the homeowner if that happened.
BTW, if someone breaks into the house and does the raping & murdering, I
think the primary person to blame isn't vonage or the lack of 911, rather,
it's probably the murderer.

Even if she could get on the horn with 9-11, do you think they could respond
faster then he could put a couple bullets in her or rape her?  Nope.  They
don't have any faster-then-light system.  

If someone breaks into the back door, you're an idiot to run for the damn
phone.. it kinda makes you stationary and your talking makes you easy to
find.  You're better off running out of  the building.  Don't you think
instinct alone would make you want to run away rather then pick up the phone
and talk?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary VanderMolen
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 3:04 PM
To: The Hardware List
Subject: Re: [H] Texas Sues Vonage After Crime Victim Unable to Call 911

>> Unfortunately it is not always the person making the omission who
>> How will you explain to a 14-year-old girl, babysitting at someone else's

>> house,
>> why 911 failed to work while some pervert was breaking down the back
> I will point at the homeowner and say "They didn't spend the 5 minutes it 
> would have taken to activate 911 service on the phone.  Would you like to 
> say anything to them about how thier stupid lazyness has changed your 
> life?"

And that will fix things if she was raped or murdered???

Gary VanderMolen

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