Today, tech comes, checks & verifies that I have a -2dB signal. Good I think, problem found, so they'll do something to bring the quality up. Well it didn't go quite that way. 1st he tells me I have to replace my Motorola SB-3100 because "it's not support & is part of the problem." So I ask what he means by this and he doesn't know other than it's not supported even if it is working, etc.... Then proceeds to tell me that a -10 should be OK never mind a -2. He goes down & changes my connectors at the demarc to the newer compression ones. Still -2 comes up and I'm supposed to live with it. Sign his sheet & off he goes (oh and he was over an hour late missing a 1-3pm window). grrr....

In all fairness, he was correct. A -2dB signal is in fact a very good signal. The optimal target is 0dB, but the acceptable range is from -15 to +15.
That being said, you also need a good SNR and upstream signal strength too...

Personally, my experiences with cable have been extremely negative. I'll keep my DSL.


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