Well I've only had a few problems in 3 years at the location, mostly of the time it's just them doing maintenance & the modem comes back up in a 1/2 hour. This may just be more of that and if their people would just all give the same answer life would be much easier.

From my experience combined with statements made by past line techs worried about baluns, splitters, & long runs, coupled with their splitters doing -4 attenuation (which I'm NOT using), you'd assume loss of connectivity @ -5 or worse.

It has been -2 for two years, just figured that when it dipped below this I was loosing connectivity (was -5 when the problem happened). That and a generally sub-par video signal from analog on my WEGA. Hence the complaint of not having as good a signal as my last 3 locations.

Chalk it up to them doing work & move on I guess. F'ck them on buying a new modem until I see a real technical reason why it won't work. Either way it's been a hell of a few days with my connection going down over & over not to mention TS idiots giving different answers & stupid advice.

Greg Sevart wrote:
Today, tech comes, checks & verifies that I have a -2dB signal. Good I think, problem found, so they'll do something to bring the quality up. Well it didn't go quite that way. 1st he tells me I have to replace my Motorola SB-3100 because "it's not support & is part of the problem." So I ask what he means by this and he doesn't know other than it's not supported even if it is working, etc.... Then proceeds to tell me that a -10 should be OK never mind a -2. He goes down & changes my connectors at the demarc to the newer compression ones. Still -2 comes up and I'm supposed to live with it. Sign his sheet & off he goes (oh and he was over an hour late missing a 1-3pm window). grrr....

In all fairness, he was correct. A -2dB signal is in fact a very good signal. The optimal target is 0dB, but the acceptable range is from -15 to +15.
That being said, you also need a good SNR and upstream signal strength too...

Personally, my experiences with cable have been extremely negative. I'll keep my DSL.


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