Chris Shaw wrote:
On Sat, 9 Apr 2005 00:13:37 GMT
warpmedia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As to your experience with CC, count yourself lucky among the minority.

I do consider myself lucky, but the rest of the people in my area that I have 
spoken to CC for, I have had similar experience. So I am considering it a good 
local CC. As far as problems, I have had alot of the same problems you have had 
with the others - AOHell, Verizon, Cox, etc. That's where I spent the most time 
on the phone. But I do use a land line so I don't have to be concerned with 
using up my minutes. Using cell phones to call support is like using a taxi to 
go to the grocery store.

I do sympathize with you as far as dealing with tech support!!

Well, their tier 1 tech support is outsourced. I usually just man handle whoever I get; it's actually occasionally fun.

Like... "My cable connection is great, but I can't ping this IP anymore. I can if I use my DSL line or from another server, so I suspect there is a filter".

<reads script>
"I am going to run some tests on your cable modem."

"My cable connection is fine.  I just cannot reach this IP."
"I can reach it."

<gets his superior>
"We will submit the request in to the special ops"
"... Okay so how long will that be?"
"Up to 24 hours."
"... Okay."

I switch back to DSL and within 24 hours they did fix the issue.

I have a few other fun ones like
"I keep losing physical connection randomly, can you send a technician to fix the line?"
"Can you reboot your cable modem?"
"The line is going, it's a physical issue."
"Can you reboot the cable modem?"
"Okay, the line was cut at one point in time and we patched it up ourselves. Since the weather is changing it is making the signal fluctuate"
"If we send a technician and you are wrong, you have to pay for it"
<upper management jump in>
"Hi I was listening in on the call. We will send a guy ASAP."

Of course, I will not lie. Early on, I got lots of even worse script events.
"Hi, I lost physical connectivity."
"So what operating system do you run?"
"How is that relevant? I lost physical connectivity."
"Windows or UNIX?"
"Sorry that is not supported, bye bye."

I call back later and just man handle them by insisting it is not relevant.

Hey what can you expect, the script can only parse so much.  :)


- Carroll Kong

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