> -----Original Message-----
> From:  Wayne Johnson

> Now it sounds like it was a incoming power problem not 
> allowing the HDs to 
> initialize properly. I have a scsi system that is plugged 
> into a kitchen 
> outlet w/ surge protection & the wife is running the 
> microwave will not 
> boot. Could this have been your mysterious problem?

I suppose that anything is possible, but there was nothing "out of the
ordinary" running at the time I had the problem. The system is on a surge
protector, but not a UPS.  Not sure if this would explain the rapidly
changing symptoms I experienced at different times over the weekend. 

> I've had clients bring their systems over to my house 
> complaining that the 
> thing wouldn't boot then once they got it here it booted just 
> fine. 

The reason "it happens sometimes," are the words a technician/repairperson
just hate to hear. Don't get me wrong. I am very glad the system is up and
running. I just wish I had a definitive answer to what caused the problem in
the first place so I can avoid the situation in the future.
> Glad to hear it running fine now.  I hear you needed the 
> practice anyway. ;-)
> ----------+----------
>     Wayne D. Johnson

Yeah. For that AMD64 system I NEED to build to replace this unreliable
system ;)

Jim Maki

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