Never done it actually :/  Good luck though, you'll find something!  Too bad 
you want to stay in dirty jersey ;)
Julian Zottl
CTO, Radiant Network Technology, LLC
Getting ahead in the tech sector isn't about kissing butt ... you gotta sniff 
the right packets

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Ben Ruset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The Hardware List <>
Date:  Wed, 01 Jun 2005 22:57:43 -0400

>I have been doing the usual Monster/Craigslist/Careerbuilder thing, 
>looking for a higher paying IT job. I'm not getting much back in the way 
>of responses, which is OK since most of the jobs aren't really my ideal 
>job, and I'd like to get a job with a company and be happy enough to 
>stay for a long time.
>My ideal job would be some sort of systems/network admin at either a 
>college, high school, or municipality. I have scoped out all of the 
>colleges near me, and have applied through their websites. Schools and 
>municipalities, however, often have horrible websites that are never 
>updated, and therefore do not list what they have open in the way of 
>positions. So I am thinking of trying to send my resume out, 
>unsolicited, to a lot of these places.
>My question is, has anybody had any luck sending unsolicited resumes to 
>potential employers?

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