At 11:48 AM 7/13/2005, you wrote:
I find that I only get 7MB or so ftp'ing files from our XServe to my laptop and that's on a 100mb connection.
I blame the slow ass hard drive in my Toshiba.
Winterlight wrote:

well this PC is a dual 3.06 Xeon with Raptor drives and 4GB of RAM and a onboard Intel Gbit NIC. The box it is receiving files from is a P4 3.4 ..2GB ram and Maxtor 72K SATAs 16MB cache with the same onboard Intel Gbit NIC. I don't think it is the PC slowing things down.

For one thing both of these PCs have large RAM Drives. I can copy a 500MB file from one to the other without ever writing to a hard drive and not achieve any better rate then if I am copying to the drives.

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