On her way to become this decade's Tipper - and she does not give a flying f about it, only to appeal to conservatives in her '08 run.

I mean, GOD FORBID there is the natural act of love in a game, nevermind that for over 5 years this series encourages you to KILL COPS and saw people in half. But OH NO! TITS! HUMPING! THROW THEM IN GITMO!!!!!

One of the few times I agree with the rest of the world when I join them in laughing at the spectacularly stupid double standard of America's shunning of nudity in mainstream media and unabashed acceptance of wanton violence.

What an uptight c***. Pink pixels on a screen. Maybe if she loosened up Billy wouldn't need to be out looking for strange all the time.

From: Ben Ruset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The Hardware List <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
To: The Hardware List <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
Subject: [H] GTA San Andreas Pulled from Shelves
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 08:04:42 -0400


Thanks, Hillary! :(

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