How much "time" is involved in doing WGA?

As for being an unpaid policeman, I hardly think so. I see all of the OEM System Builder promo emails. I also know that MS does a lot to support their OEM's.

WGA _is_ your protection against the pirate stores. The black market for Windows should feasably dry up much faster. This helps you.

As for Dell getting better pricing - well, come on. They buy hundreds of thousands of licences in bulk. How many do you buy at a shot? You can compete against Dell in quality of parts and service and support, which will more than make up the $50-75 that Dell gets their XP licences cheaper than you do.

Thane Sherrington wrote:

Huh? I don't have a problem with someone protecting themselves against piracy, and I never said I did. Nor did I mention Linux (you keep bringing it up.)

I have a problem with a company taking up my time so that they can make more money, and giving me nothing in return. I've been an unpaid policeman for MS for years. (And so has every other honest comptuer store.) In return, we get to pay 3 to 4 times what Dell pays for their software, and we get virtually zero protection from the pirate stores out there.

Is it too much to ask to have loyalty flow both ways?

You might be so happy with the opportunity to sell MS products that you'll take whatever they hand out, but I'm not.


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