Microsoft is not going to stop piracy by shutting down Mom & Pop shops. The amount of money they need to invest in the court system vs. the amount of money they will get is low. What Microsoft is more interested in are the people selling counterfeit copies into the channel, selling software that is licenced wrong to the channel, etc.

Case in point: The OEM I used to work for got a smoking deal on Office 97 Pro for $99/copy. It looked like an OEM copy, but in fact was an "Easy Fufillment Licence" which was basically just media and a CD key without a licence. We got audited, and the company that we bought that software got fined HEAVILY. And if you don't believe me, wait for Warpmedia to read the list because we both worked at the same shop when this happened.

Thane Sherrington wrote:
At 12:19 PM 03/08/2005, Ben Ruset wrote:

You don't think that MS won't go after these companies when they have to give out free XP licences to the end users???

They never have in the past. I have reported two companies two or three times a year for four years. The result? Nothing. MS doesn't give a shit about me. And they don't care about you. Why people defend large companies because they bought their products is beyond me. MS is necessary (right now.) It's not good or bad. It just is. And all it cares about is itself and it's shareholders, and that's fine. But when they do something stupid, there's nothing wrong with saying so.


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