I've had some problems with the built in DNS server in several Linksys routers. It's very likely that something just wasn't talking right.

You could have your customer set their router to give out and as DNS servers in their DHCP config. Those are nice public DNS servers.

Thane Sherrington wrote:
I had a customer who has a linksys router who lost his connection (worked when connected to the modem, but not through the router.)

I suggested he reset the router to factory defaults (using the button in the back) and try it. That worked for a bit, but then it stopped.

He called his ISP, and they had him use ipconfig /flushdns - he says that fixed the problem.

How would flushdns fix a problem with the router that didn't exist with the modem? I would think if it works with the modem, then the problem would have to be in the router.


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