Rock on, but where are you getting your juice from?

"Backers of plug-in hybrids acknowledge that the electricity to boost their cars generally comes from fossil fuels that create greenhouse gases, but they say that process still produces far less pollution than oil. They also note that electricity could be generated cleanly from solar power."

The simple answer is more nuclear, solar, and hydroelectric power for the masses (but especially more nuclear, hippies need to STFU) The less dependence on fossil fuels in the entire energy demand chain the better.

From: "007" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The Hardware List <>
To: "The Hardware List" <>
Subject: RE: [H] Gas prices
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 12:58:12 -0400

Modified Toyota hybrids have been known to give 250 Miles/gallon.

Cost of modification is about $14,000


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