and that:

"the roughly 10 billion barrels of oil expected to be found there would be the equivalent of JUST SIX MONTHS OF U.S. CONSUMPTION"


...but given that we produce something like ~40% of our oil DOMESTICALLY, and the majority of the remainder comes from Canada, Mexico, and Venezuela, we wouldn't need to replace 100% of our oil consumption with oil from the ANWR. When I was researching the issue back in spring of 2002, the figure that I heard was that ANWR oil could COMPLETELY REPLACE middle-eastern imports for a period of 30 years. Folks, in 30 years, we probably won't be driving internal combustion powered vehicles, so it sounds good to me.

That being said, I have mixed feelings on drilling in the ANWR. It would be 5-12 years before any useful oil came from it, and I fully expect alternatively fueled cars to be pretty popular by then. I think it is more of a political thing ("See! We did something! Vote for me again!") than a real measure to offset either high energy prices or reliance on unstable regions.


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