Canadian entrepenuers have found a much more efficient way to extract pure crude from oil sands (basically black sand/oil mixture that has proved futile and too costly to extract in the past).

Reply-To: The Hardware List <>
To: The Hardware List <>
Subject: Re: Re: [H] Gas prices
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 14:03:59 -0700

hope so, especially since Canada is drilling not far from where we want to drill.
but that is only a beginning, lot more to do.
I suspect the Caribou population may double.

At 01:58 PM 8/17/2005, Ben Ruset Poked the stick with:
>Didn't drilling in Alaska just pass?
>I consider myself an environmentalist and I support drilling in Alaska.
>>Date: Wed Aug 17 15:55:00 CDT 2005
>>To: The Hardware List <>
>>Subject: Re: [H] Gas prices
>>PPL here bitch about the prices but are not willing to doanything about it. Non new refineries in 30 years, and no drilling inAlaska. >>me, I'd say piss on the Saudi's ( no offense ) , let them see if they cansquirt that oil on the sand and grow food with it !!! >:-} >>if it were up to me I'd cut them off completely, then there might be aoil price war and prices may come down. >>BTW I'm tired of *adjusted for inflation* BS. inflation did not go up150% in a year
>>bo haha
>>At 01:17 PM 8/17/2005, Zulfiqar Naushad Poked the stick with:
>>Gas prices expensive???
>>Here in Saudi Arabia the state price (i.e. nothing less or morethan
>>the state price is available at any gas station) is .90 halalas(cent
>>equivalent of a riyal(dollar)) per liter.
>>i.e 1 Gallon = 90 US cents.
>>Almost every car here in Saudi is a V6 or a V8!!!
>>They love suburbans and expeditions here!!!
>>On Aug 17, 2005, at 7:14 PM, Thane Sherrington wrote:
>>Our gas prices climbed $0.06 perlitre yesterday, so we are at
>>$4.27 US per gallon now.  Just wondering what you're paying downin
>>Tallyho ! ]:8)
>>Taglines below !
>>And all the children are above average in our system.

Tallyho ! ]:8)
Taglines below !
And all the children are above average in our system.

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