Agreed, but trying to stop the influx of drugs hasn't worked and the billions spent would be better utilized with a multi-decade public education blitz and rehab. In addition, more research $'s need to be spent on the mechanisms involved and better drugs to wean people off the harder stuff. The long view, research, and public education are the best ways to deal with addictive behavior. Remember, you can be addicted to work, play, exercise, hell anything under the sun for that matter. It's all rooted in a person's self-esteem and throwing people in prison is like sending them to a college for criminals. Our current methods of coping with drug abuse are inadequate at best. Thanks for the feedback.

Gary Udstrand wrote:

What happened in China when they legalized drugs?  What about Needle
park in Zurich?  Can you cite one example where the legalization of
drugs solved any social ills?


Stan Zaske said the following on 8/25/2005 3:04 AM:

BC Bud! Didn't you see the prime time report? They sell it in shops on
the streets using the best seeds from around the globe! Gotta love
British Columbia! <g>

What hypocrisy that we still haven't learned "Prohibition" doesn't
work even after all the organized crime that came as a result of
"criminalization"! Try to do the same with tobacco and see what
happens! So what if you smoke a bowl in the evening to relax? Who's
business is it anyway? Our money would be better spent on public
education and rehab rather than interdiction and criminalization!
Addictive behavior is associated with "self-esteem" and that's where
our focus should be! So much for wisdom in government!

warpmedia wrote:

Well there sure is some dynamite hemp floating around somewhere these
days! LOL

Was just in Vancouver for 8 days and never got over to the little
Amsterdam area to see what all the fuss was about. Of course there
was the fear of the transaction in the back of my mind since that
seems to be the law the get you on rather than possession or use.

FORC5 wrote:

"Over 25,000 products can be manufactured from hemp, from cellophane
to dynamite."
Popular Mechanics, 1938

At 02:27 AM 8/24/2005, Stan Zaske Poked the stick with:

Better yet, grow female hemp to ferment into methane and sell the
buds to Canada. <g>

gibney wrote:

Industrial hemp, digested to methane and powering fuel cells.

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