On 8/31/05, Eli Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While I do agree that living below sea level like that is a bad idea this
> was preventable.  There was a major levee construction project whose funding
> was cut by Bush (~$250 million)  If Bush didn't cut the funding the levees
> wouldn't have broke so easily like they did.

Ah great.  Took all of about 10 seconds for people to start blaming
Bush.  While we are at it lets blame him for the residents of LA being
poor and uneducated in the first place - it's all a racist plot by
those awful Republicans.

Give me a freaking break.  I am sure that with a bit of digging I can
find just as many Democratic governors, Congressmen, and Presidents
who also cut funding.  Don't forget that the Corps of Engineers has
been embroiled in several major scandals over the past few years over
their use of funds. 
http://www.taxpayer.net/corpswatch/LearnMore/scandals.htm is one
example I quickly Googled.

What about this report, released in Nov of last year - 

It looks pretty darn accurate to me.  Now why shouldn't we blame
everyone who didn't pay attention to this?  I bet we can find a few
hundred people who fit that bill.

Can you guarantee that the money the evil man Bush cut from the budget
would have been used and the magical new levee would have been built
before this storm hits?  When was this new system supposed to have
been completed by?  Would it have worked?

What about placing the blame on the city forcing the Mississippi to
flow into one river channel?  This did two things - it prevents the
silt flow from building the delta which protects the city from the
ocean.  It also left NO in a sinking hole where every drop of water
which falls on it needs to be pumped out.

In fact, let's blame the Corps of Engineers who built the system of
levees to prevent the river from changing course and caused NO to
become a sinkhole:

Leave you damn politics out of this.  Everyone and no one is to blame
for this tragedy.


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