

jeff.lane said the following on 8/31/2005 7:44 PM:

> Very good, Brian. I, too, am getting very tired of these ranting
> agendas. We have a lot of people out there that are dying or will be
> if help does not get there. This include the morons that stayed for
> the parties, surfing, jet skiing, etc. Nonetheless they need help, not
> agendas.
> Jeff
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Weeden"
> To: "The Hardware List" <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 3:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [H] It's bad, really bad - Katrina
>> On 8/31/05, Eli Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> While I do agree that living below sea level like that is a bad idea
>>> this
>>> was preventable.  There was a major levee construction project whose
>>> funding
>>> was cut by Bush (~$250 million)  If Bush didn't cut the funding the
>>> levees
>>> wouldn't have broke so easily like they did.
>> Ah great.  Took all of about 10 seconds for people to start blaming
>> Bush.  While we are at it lets blame him for the residents of LA being
>> poor and uneducated in the first place - it's all a racist plot by
>> those awful Republicans.
>> Give me a freaking break.  I am sure that with a bit of digging I can
>> find just as many Democratic governors, Congressmen, and Presidents
>> who also cut funding.  Don't forget that the Corps of Engineers has
>> been embroiled in several major scandals over the past few years over
>> their use of funds.
>> http://www.taxpayer.net/corpswatch/LearnMore/scandals.htm is one
>> example I quickly Googled.
>> What about this report, released in Nov of last year -
>> http://www.colorado.edu/hazards/o/nov04/nov04c.html
>> It looks pretty darn accurate to me.  Now why shouldn't we blame
>> everyone who didn't pay attention to this?  I bet we can find a few
>> hundred people who fit that bill.
>> Can you guarantee that the money the evil man Bush cut from the budget
>> would have been used and the magical new levee would have been built
>> before this storm hits?  When was this new system supposed to have
>> been completed by?  Would it have worked?
>> What about placing the blame on the city forcing the Mississippi to
>> flow into one river channel?  This did two things - it prevents the
>> silt flow from building the delta which protects the city from the
>> ocean.  It also left NO in a sinking hole where every drop of water
>> which falls on it needs to be pumped out.
>> In fact, let's blame the Corps of Engineers who built the system of
>> levees to prevent the river from changing course and caused NO to
>> become a sinkhole:
>> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0374522596/qid=1125457675/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-2930600-5361507?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
>> Leave you damn politics out of this.  Everyone and no one is to blame
>> for this tragedy.
>> -- 
>> Brian
>> -- 
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