"Analyst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Au contraire.
> 'Project Impact' also involved federal planning to mitigate the damage done 
> by large natural disasters by taking measures that would be crucial to a 
> strategy to save lives and cut 
> recovery costs.  
> FEMA had pre-planned "a New Orleans nightmare scenario", in which "the 
> federal government figured it would pre-deploy nearby ships with pumps to 
> remove water from the 
> below-sea-level city and have hospital ships nearby".  
> Since 2001, the Bushies have been slashing key federal disaster mitigation 
> programs, and FEMA's 'Project Impact', created by the Clinton administration, 
> has been outright 
> cancelled.  
> The result ?
> No pre-deployed ships to pump out the water, and only ONE hospital ship has 
> been allocated to the area, but it didn't leave it's port until Friday, AFTER 
> the hurricane struck.
> http://www.realcities.com/mld/krwashington/12528233.htm

This Administration and Congress don't care about the common people. 
Only the rich, the corporations and profits.


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