At 05:01 PM 01/09/2005, Eli Allen wrote:
According to Drudge, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has recently enjoyed a little Broadway entertainment. And Page Six reports that she's also working on her backhand with Monica Seles. So the Gulf Coast has gone all Mad Max, women are being raped in the Superdome, and Rice is enjoying a brief vacation in New York. We wish we were surprised.

BTW, I'm not attacking the US citizens here. I know there are lots of good people there. But the governmental response is pathetic, and you guys need to turf those morons out and bring in some people who are willing to put as much into protecting US citizens from real problems as they are from imagined ones in other countries.

I just watched BBC news on New Orleans (our news is mostly repackaged US news, with the CBC on strike) and I was appalled, both at the devastation, and by the apparent lack of response. This is the US, for christ sake - the most powerful country in the world. A country that is supposed to care about it's citizens. But these people are being left to die. There is food and water there that is locked away and protected from looters by police - WTF? The police are protecting fucking goods against looters instead of saving lives (I saw footage of a guy steal a stereo and be ordered by police to drop it - which he did, in knee deep water.) Who cares about people stealing stereos when people are dying?

Then Bush comes on and tells us "No Canada, we don't need your help. We take care of our own." Then he makes some plea about citizens acting responsible. The guy is so far out of his depth it's scary. He's sitting there, in his comfy office, wearing his clean clothes, with a full belly, and he's telling people to be responsible?

Where are the food and water drops (as they have had in Iraq)? Where is the mass evacuation? Why are the reservists showing up with guns and no water?

I did notice that the vast majority of people there are black. I guess it still doesn't pay to be black in the US.


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