At 12:58 PM 10/25/2005, you wrote:
Thanks JW. Hmm...AGP goes EOL? Now that does suck! Budget is $300-$400. I suppose this means start looking at mainboards again. Bummer. Yes, like the 6800GT idea. Was not sure if it would run well with my 2500+.

I suppose the next question maybe what is everyone's favorite brand of 6800GT? It seems that my favorite, Gainward, has moved to Europe! Was looking at the PowerPack Ultra/2400 Golden Sample (471846200-6039), but can not find a vendor with stock in the US. Hmm. More research for sure.

Hello Duncan,

I'm not impartial to any brand - just whoever's the cheapest :)
That said, off the top of my head, PNY seems to be a little questionable quality-wise (IIRC, there was a decent uproar about their GeForce4 line) and BFG has a lifetime warranty.


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