I guess you haven't looked at high end cards lately as my high def capture card [MyHD MDP-120] requires very little cpu usage since it does all the processing but it captures in streaming mpeg so one has to convert it to mpeg2 with a freeware app hdtvtompeg2.exe and the null packets should be stripped with another freeware app NullPacketStripper & these would take a while on a slow machine. The Fusion3 or 5 also take very little CPU while capturing but it's the post processing that takes up the CPU, memory, & time.

Have you used these? Having been told they're the best, I am about to pull the trigger on a MDP-130. If the Fusion5 is a decent card, though, I could save some cash by doing that instead. Host capacity isn't a concern--A64 X2 4800+ with 2GB and gobs of storage should be plenty. The big thing that I want is QAM decoding....


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