Listen to episode 22:

This was on Digg last week.  Every person that I have heard saying
Gibson is a moron over this has not had their facts straight.  Listen
to the podcast, look at his reports, hell look at his source code.

His arguement that you need 2 or 3 very specific things to happen to
trigger the WMF vulnerability, things that prevent the WMF files from
working as intended.  Which in my mind is the exact definition of a

Of course M$ will deny it.  The only other option is to say yes, one
of two things are true:

1.  We have a rogue programmer who put their own backdoor in all
version of our software since win2k

2.  We deliberately put in a backdoor so we can access and patch every
copy of windows in an emergency, even if they have firewalls and
autoupdate disabled.

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