At 08:21 PM 1/21/2006, Chris Reeves typed:
Yeah, Time Warner here has told me that have suspended all distribution of
1394 devices and carry "none".  The tech I spoke to said "copyright issues"
prevent them from allowing units with turned on 1394 ports; therefore, I
have a Scientific Atlanta unit which has firewire ports.. that are dead as a

This is what I don't comprehend. Why is ok for me to save to an internal HD for playback later & not to an external HD for playback later? Wouldn't both situations be a copyright issue ? Heck I can take the external coax out & plug that into a stand alone dvd recorder just as easily as I can a TV. I wonder if we'll still be able to that with the new stand alone bluray or hd dvd recorders tho.

   Wayne D. Johnson
Ashland, OH, USA 44805

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