At 09:46 PM 2/4/2006, Chris Reeves typed:

Ok, thanks to the recent PC Mag and other articles, I've actually had a client ask me a question today regarding testing AV software. Their Norton Corporate Contract expires soon, and they have been somewhat unhappy with portions of it.

He wants to setup a box, and pull a "PC Mag" and just infect it to all get out, make a ghost image, then see which AV software does better. He's considering TrendMicro OfficeScan, Norton Again, or CA.

It's an interesting idea, but honestly; I don't much care for the concept of going out and "hunting for" virus files to test with.

The idea stinks because the bugs that are available today have little to do with whatever bugs that will be developed tomorrow also getting the virus definitions in a timely manner is as important as detecting the bugs.

IMNSHO this is would be a complete waste of time.

   Wayne D. Johnson
Ashland, OH, USA 44805

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