On Fri, 10 Feb 2006, Hayes Elkins wrote:

It takes more time, but because I see sport in this I NEVER, EVER format and reinstall in any situation like this. I have never been defeated, ever, either :) It's a new learning experience each time and the best way to keep up with filthware and their removal procedures.

Here is the thing, I do this for a living, and the never being defeated thing is fine, but when you spend 10 hours on something that you could have fixed in 3 or less with a reformat how happy #1 are you, and #2 is your customer when you bill them those 7 extra hours?

You may think it's giving up, I think it's smart business.

Christopher Fisk
"I can't remember any specific books."
George W. Bush, August 26, 1999
The candidate's answer when asked by an elementary school student to name his favorite book as a child. Reported by the Associated Press.

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