So suggestions for a cheap card that would work well?

On 3/26/06, Chris Reeves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Because it's not a DX9 card.  MS put into MCE designs for video support by
> using Video Mixing Renderer Filter 9 as it's base renderer.  MCE is the ONLY
> windows OS to use VMR9 at it's heart, as all other OS do not use it; and
> even MCE only uses it inside the 10' interface.
> But in the MCE interface, it relies on VMR9 to do all rendering work - and
> that requires DirectX9 compatibility.
> Links for more info:
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Weeden
> Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 11:42 PM
> To: The Hardware List
> Subject: Re: [H] Interesting MCE bug
> On 3/25/06, Jin-Wei Tioh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wait a minute... you're running MCE 2005 withe GF4 Ti4400?
> > Thought that wasn't possible (seeing as MCE 2005 uses VMR 9).
> >
> > Wouldn't the minimum be a GeForce FX or 9x00 (x=5,6,7,8)?
> >
> It's a perfectly fine video card with onboard MPEG-2 processing.  More
> than what SHOULD be needed for simply playing DVDs and video files.
> Why wouldn't it be supported?
> --
> Brian


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