At 09:35 AM 4/19/2006, Thane Sherrington (S) typed:
I've got a machine with a screwed up Windows install on a striped RAID setup (four disks, ranging from 4.3GB to 80GB.) What's the best way to back this up to another drive so I can recover data after I reinstall Windows? Ghost shows it as four separate disks, but in a striped RAID isn't the data spread over all the disks?

What version of Ghost? Are you booting to a floppy? Apparently the raid drivers aren't being loaded otherwise ghost should see one big disk so you probably aren't loading ghost via Windows. Have you tried running Ghost from a BartPe or XpPe disk to see if that ghost can see only one big disk?

   Wayne D. Johnson
Ashland, OH, USA 44805

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