At 12:41 PM 14/05/2006, Brian Weeden wrote:
Saw both United 93 and "Thank You for Smoking" recently they were both
excellent, for different reasons.  United 93, no matter what your
thoughts are on 9/11 and Bush and everything is a must see.  It is
simply presented as a documentary retelling of the events of that days
from the perspective of the passengers, FAA, and families.  No hype,
no blame, no overly mushy crap.

I didn't realize it was a documentary. I heard the producers say on the radio that while there has been no proof the passengers entered the cabin, they presented it as if they had, since they "were artists, not reporters." I haven't seen it yet myself, so I have no idea how it was presented (I'm basing this on two items on the radio I heard about it.)


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