You mean M$ didn't explain to you clearly enough about how much of your time (ie, money) would be spent protecting their franchise? Maybe they just - forgot.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Harvey Best
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 6:30 AM
To: The Hardware List
Subject: RE: Re: [H] Windows Validation tool

That's funny. I have had both experiences. The good and bad. (Waiting on the Ugly) When my daughters chip went bad, I sent it back to AMD under warranty. She couldn't wait for her system back, so I bought a new chip and did a wipe of the hdd and a clean install of XP Home. Here is where it gets messy, and as far as I can tell was doing nothing illegal. I had a Win XP Home store bought disk, cd, coa etc. I had used it on my home system, until after a hdd crash. When I rebuilt and upgraded that system purchased XP Pro, same as before pretty box, cd, coa receipt and everything.
So, after rebuilding my system, I now had a XP Home not being used. When I rebuilt her's I used the XP Home I had. So, I had to call MS and go through a personal interview with a man whose accent was so thick I could not understand him. I explained over and over what I was doing. "It had been on one system, now was not, and was going on a different system, not operating at the same time etc.) Finally I asked to speak to a supervisor, and he gave me the number. I already dread the day I have to do that again.
Helped a friend on a reinstall one time. Called in, got the automated one, answered the questions and all was as slick as grease.

So, as I said, I've gotten both worlds of it. Luck of the draw? Karma? Who knows!

> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 08:03:11 -0400
> Subject: Re: [H] Windows Validation tool
> CC:
> LOL Chuck, you missed the point of the thread!
> We are talking about the WGA software phoning home on a regular interval 
> which has nothing to do with initial activation phone call or 
> performance. Seems the eventual point of this tool, among other uses 
> solely beneficial to M$, is so M$ can disable systems with pir8 keys.
> I've also found more than few sites discussing the info about how to 
> remove or disable WGA v1, that I don't have it thank god, and that there 
> will be a v2 to defeat the current work arounds.
> FWIW, I've done the 54 digit thing once and it was to an automated 
> system that gave me no issues, I was pleasantly surprised.
> > 
> > ----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Weeden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Me too.  I hate phoning home.
> >>
> > 
> > If you hate phoning home, do not try to format the hard drive of a name 
> > brand computer and do a clean install of Windows XP using an OEM CD. You 
> > will be denied activation and have to personally call Microsoft. You 
> > will have to enter that 54 digit code and answer some questions. You 
> > will be asked if this is the first time Windows is being installed on 
> > the computer, the Product Key and on how many other computers this issue 
> > of Windows has been installed on. You will be asked the make and model 
> > number of the computer and where it was purchased. Microsoft sometimes 
> <snip>

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