At 07:43 AM 7/6/2006, you wrote:
You would have to run it at a non-native resolution, which will require scaling to fill the screen. While scaling looks better with every generation of LCDs, it is still a huge drop in image quality vs. native resolution.

You'd need to upgrade the video card to run any modern game at native.

Well that isn't going to happen. I have a AGP in a dual Xeon board .... I just did the X800 last December which was the fastest AGP available.

If you're set on the AIW,

No, from now on no more AIW...they are not worth the grief. I will go with standard video cards and separate tuners. I will say that the recording results appear to my eye to be better on the AIW then any stand alone I have seen to date. But I am not ready to move on to a PCIX board.

you're probably looking at an X1800 XL AIW or X1900 AIW, unless you run old games only.

I am not a gamer, so it isn't that big of a deal, although I do have a copy of Half Life II I haven't used yet... so what happens when I load that?



----- Original Message ----- From: "Winterlight" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "The Hardware List" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 9:30 AM
Subject: RE: [H] 24 inch montior

The one thing I will say about gaming on a 24" widescreen is that you need
the top-end of gfx cards to drive resoutions such as 1920x1200....a 7800GT
WILL struggle in most games at this resolution and you can forget turning
any AA on unless you have a ATI X1800/X1900....

So what happens if the card isn't fast enough, the game defaults to a lower resolution, and then looks terrible? I have a AIW X800 which isn't going to cut it at a high resolution.

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