Newegg claims that they will have this board in on the 28th. Looks interesting.


On Aug 22, 2006, at 11:41 PM, Veech wrote:

As a comment, i want to get a Core 2 Duo system as well since apparently it eats AMD for breakfast. But there are not yet any SLI enabled boards available so i have decided to wait until then. But hell, with 2 7900GTXs in SLI and a Core 2 Duo, lookout!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Sipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Aug 22, 2006 7:50 PM
To: The Hardware List <>
Subject: [H] Intel or AMD (Oblivion?)

I absolutely cannot make up my mind..

I want to replace my 6 year old AthlonXP system (GeForce2!). I've got
two raptor SATA drives, and some other bigger drives, so I'm good
disk wise, so I'll be getting new only:

Mobo / CPU / RAM (2gb ram wanted)
Video Card (whatever ATI card I can get a decent deal on)

I'd like to spend in the range of $800 dollars or so (got some
flexibility with price, if some more money raised quality a lot, I
wouldn't mind). Ability to play Oblivion with decent speed is a
plus :-) (though I think SLI is prrobably out my price range)

I can't decide between a Core 2 Duo and an X2. I'm leaning towards
Intel right now (with ability to run OSX better as a plus) but am
having trouble picking Core 2 Duo motherboards--seems like a lot of
new ones are slated to be coming out in the next several months. I do
want to buy within a week or two, and don't want to feel like I'm
buying crap hardware (though I guess that's always a problem...)

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated!


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