Me too. However, her function was computer-related, though I'm not sure in what capacity. She claimed to be very computer savvy and said that people underestimated her. "How foolish of them." is how she ended that statement.

Ben Ruset wrote:
I highly doubt many "police officers" have the wherewithal to be able to log into their own email accounts, much less "hack" into others.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:

Actually, she thinks I'm ugly. After we met, instead of just walking away, she decided to drive the point home in a very devious manner, posing as if she wanted a relationship to lead me on, I guess. However, when I broke things off, she decided to reveal her vile plan. Frankly, my the only reason I can see why she did this was for her own (and those she works with) enjoyment. This would make such a great the TV talk show story. Of course, I'm not going to reveal any real personal details here. She claims to have hacked into my e-mail accounts, called past girlfriends, obtain personal phone records, and more. Most of it could be lies, though, because she hadn't feed me back anything I didn't tell her.

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