OKay. But, I'm still using AMD TBirds and do not know much about all the new 
classes of cpu.  And, I thought most of the power for the cpu is derived from 
regulator circuitry on the mainboard(?) not as direct feed from the psu. All my 
current boards have very heavy duty power type circuitry mounted around the 
cpu sockets. Hmm. Many need more investigation.
Clearly, we may be in a turn where vid cards are forcing higher wattage psus. I 
run 550W psus now; up from 300W psus back in 1996. I'd hate to think that the 
new 2007&beyond minimum is going to be 1KW.  Might as well just build radio 
transmitter cabinets! LOL!

On Tue, 02 Jan 2007 18:04 , Thane Sherrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

>At 01:51 PM 02/01/2007, dhs wrote:
>>Well maybe. But 150/12 is 12.5AMPS. Now maybe 12.5 amps is a bunch, but
>Don't the X2 CPUs pull around 7.5A on the 12V line?  Even if one 
>factors in the RAM on the video card, 12.5 seems steep to me - 
>especially since as far as I can tell, most power supplies would have 
>a hard time putting that sort of power out.  So for most people their 
>$500 video card also requires a $100 power supply.  Just to play a $60 game.

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