> Ok...I just want to make sure I understand you guys.  You're basically 
> saying that I can go buy a new mobo that has PCI-X for graphics that I can 
> drop my P4 3.0 GHz CPU into and then later upgrade that puppy to dual/quad 
> core?  I'd have to upgrade both memory,  graphics card, and PS right?  Only 
> memory at first, though, right?
> I'm asking because i'm starting to get a little tired of sucking so much 
> hind tit, these days.  However, I need my upgrades to be very, very 
> meaningful, or such I say impactful.

Not unless your current CPU is a S-478, in which you're kinda SOL since the 
Socket 478 PCI-E mobos aren't all that great.

A nice "go between" mobo would be the Asrock 775 VSTA, which takes an LGA775 
CPU (both P4s and Core 2s) and gives you the flexibility of AGP + PCI-E, DDR + 
DDR2. It won't overclock quite as well as say an eVGA 680i or a Gigabyte DS3, 
but people seem to like it.


So I guess you could say no the memory and graphics upgrades. What PSU do you 
have currently? If it's a 20-pin with a strong 12V rail, you should be alright 
since you can get MOLEX -> 6-pin PCI-E adapters to sate a more power hungry PCI-
E card and most 24-pin mobos don't mind running with just 20-pins. You'll have 
to watch out for PCI-E graphics cards that don't have a separate power 
connector though, since they'll try to suck power from the unconnected 4 ATX 

I guess one last thing would be that it might be beneficial to dump your older 
RAM now before RAM prices start to dip even further. I did exactly that in Dec 
and got top dollar for my Crucial DDR400 - switched to Kingston DDR2-667.

Hope this helps :)

Jin-Wei Tioh
"Without C, there'd be BASI, PASAL, and OBOL"

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