> Is there a site that will tell me what it's limitations are?




And of course, the perennial Howard Forums..

I should say at the outset, you may also want to look at the Treo 700w.
The war rages as to which is better. I think it might suffice to say that the Q
is a phone first and a PDA second.
The 700w is a PDA first and a phone second. In my area, the 700w does not hold a
signal well. The 700w runs PocketPC which is a different flavor OS and includes
touchscreen. Smartphones do not have this feature. PocketPC allows one to view
and edit Word docs, Excel spreadsheets etc. The Smartphone allows one to view
these file types but not edit them.
And this is only scratching the surface of the salient differences.

> A pseudo-PDA is about right for me.  I won't use a real PDA but I do use
> Outlook and would like to use this phone to sync both home (DT), work
> (DT) and phone copies .

And that, you will be able to do with ease.

> The thing is, I get a lot of e-mail and a lot of big file attachments.
> Will this choke the phone?

Remembering that this is a phone that doesn't have a 250G hard drive, I tend to
be very space conscious. I get about 100 emails per day, many with attachments.
I've never had a problem. Also, keep in mind that you can add a 1G+ Mini-SD and
whooppe!!!! Away you go!!! No more storage issues. I did, and it was a breeze..
So many 3rd party apps also that you can install on the phone, it is amazing.
Space has never ever been an issue with me, but I try to stay on top of it.

> Aren't digital only phones going to be more limited in terms of
> cross-country coverage? Not that I travel that much, but when I do
> travel I do tend to use the phone more then.

I agree. Analog will be phased out in 2008. Carriers don't even sell them
anymore and the analog networks are going away big time. My personal opinion is
that the Verizon Network is very strong nationwide. I'll probably be flamed for
this, but this is my experience. We travel a lot and when we go, we Get Out
There. West Glacier, Montana late last Spring, no problemo. Travelled up to
Yellowstone last September. Had perfect voice/data coverage in West Yellowstone
and throughout much of the Park. And that is pretty damned remote. I was very
impressed. Montana, Idaho, Wyoming... way out there.. Verizon was there with us.
Oh, sure you'll hit dead spots anywhere.. But honestly, IMHO, not too damn many
where we travel. But again, not everyone may feel this way and your mileage may
vary. Day by day the coverage gaps get smaller and smaller.

> So, it's $130 w/o voice/data plan, and $80 w.  However, my plan goes
> from $40 to $80 (not counting all of those extra charges they put on).
> So, 12 X $40 = $480 extra over what I'm planing now. Is the data plan
> really going to be worth this extra ($480-50=$430) to me?  Can I know
> this without using the plan?

Verizon has the standard 15 Day no hassle no questions asked return policy. Beat
it to death, take it through its paces, see how you like it. For me personally,
I was tethered to the desktop for email etc. Not being at home, I was dead in
the water. Maybe I'm a hopeless junkie, but for me it opened up a whole new
portable world for me and I regard myself as a light to moderate user. Bur when
I need online access I need it it's just that simple. This has given me that
opportunity. Yes, it's expensive. But I bite the bullet on it and now I rely on
it. Can I do without it? Sure. But I'd much rather not!!! Like anything else,
once you get hooked on it, it's pretty hard to give it up...

I think once you experience the data plan, you'll dig it a lot.. Another thing..
Maybe I'm old and slow, but the Q had quite a learning curve for me. It was 30
days and beyond before I really learned the ins and outs of it and got
comfortable. You can purchase 3rd party Registry editors and tweak this thing to
death... Most phones, out of the box up and running in a few hours.. That was
true for me, but the Q does a whole lot more and took me much time to learn it.

Make sure you check out the Treo 700 as well so that you have a more well
balanced opinion.


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